微软前CEO比尔·盖茨支持哈里斯竞选总统,并捐款 5000 万美元
BREAKING: Former Microsoft CEO Bill Gates has endorsed Kamala Harris for President and is donating $50 million to a PAC supporting her ahead of the …… -
Claude官网介绍到: We believe AI will have a vast impact on the world. Anthropic is dedicated to building systems that people can rely on and genera…… -
Worst Case Scenario for Russia
"Worst Case Scenario for Russia":Saudi Prince Refuses to Visit Putin at BRlCS Summit, Threatens to Crash Oil to $50 跟着新闻学英语,被我简称英语新…… -
Who can tell me why this is?
一下子被这图片雷到了,儒家表示这锅不背,地主等rich之人也可以有个三qi四妾(25个娘们儿),只是现在换了个词叫包养还不用承担law责任~ 自答:这不代表我推…… -
Praise: CSM ranks first in Bing -小小嘚瑟一下下
小小嘚瑟一下下,"concrete sprayer machine" Key word ranks first in Bing 当然,我也知道这里边有个小Bug,这是国内的Bing搜索结果,也就是说搜索:concre…… -
Only Trump can solve it. realy?
North Korea just blew up the railway goingto South Korea. Here we go, this is BADNEWS! “Only Trump can solve it." The answer will be displayed in N…… -
自已人闹笑话:Go back to china? -pending
取消英语教育终于发挥成果,中国游客回国飞机被延误,集体在机场高喊:Go Back To China!(滚回中国!)老外们在想: 这种要求从来没见过! 刚自学英语几天,吓的我…… -
985 Graduates looking for jobs
First,Up in the picture 如果能抄文明的历史进程也是可以的,But...你来说, 我还是要先搬好手中的砖,否则我一小学生拿什么和985 Player Killing呢? -
I spent two days updating this website
Old website URL: concrete_sprayer_machine.liugon.com New website URL: concrete-sprayer-machine.liugon.com 不是专业人还真看不出有什么区别,就连我都掉…… -
长假后根本睡不醒的人性叫床服务,Try it tomorrow
不知道小伙伴们十一都到哪里玩了,今天是我节后的第一天上班,早上根本起不来,起不来。玩微博看到一小姐姐的醒床自我叫醒服务,感觉很人性化,如下: 把手……
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the k...
评论于 成人自学英语