包含标签:英语新闻 的文章
Official property is much dirtier than current sanitary napkins!
这两天的新闻比较密集,虽然标题努力自译,但这次失败的很彻底,就感觉是学了会,一但自己造句翻译就废。比如dirty单词知道,但自己造句就想不起来了。感觉目…… -
特朗普说:If you hate me , l don’t care
这是在微博上看到了,没有找到原视频,反正我们是来学英语的,这段英文简单,基本上能看个七七八八了。最后学是附上别人的翻译,熟悉一下语感吧!以后又有川戏…… -
UKraine will not cede territory,regardless of US election results
Title:Zelenskyy:UKraine will not cede territory,regardless of US election results President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has stated that Ukraine will not mak…… -
Talks are underway to send bomber planes to mass bombing of enemy zones. 双方正在商谈派遣轰炸机对敌区进行大规模轰炸。 ammunition /ˌæmjuˈnɪʃn/ n. 弹…… -
Hit them, Israel
这个新闻本来是昨天要发的,因陪女儿了,就没更新了,今天补了,算是大新闻了。狠狠的: Hit them,Israel iranians are behind you. 英语单词:hit /hɪt/ v.…… -
I just want bloody Russian money
古特雷斯登上了近期的时代杂志封面。 拒绝参加瑞士和平峰会的联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯正在俄罗斯与普京会面。这对联合国和秘书长的声誉是致命的。因为…… -
India will never join China’s anti-western alliance
India will never join China's anti-western alliance. 这条我就不翻译了,我是就这条新闻熟悉一下自己刚记的:never,新学:alliance单词,总共就这几个词,…… -
微软前CEO比尔·盖茨支持哈里斯竞选总统,并捐款 5000 万美元
BREAKING: Former Microsoft CEO Bill Gates has endorsed Kamala Harris for President and is donating $50 million to a PAC supporting her ahead of the ……
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the k...
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